An Emotional Quarantine
Two Playlists For When You Feel moody Or energized
To be honest, my spirits have been a bit low today. There’s so much happening and not happening at the same time. I miss long hugs with friends and ultimate frisbee games in the park.
I’ve found ways to self soothe when the loneliness or anxiety creeps in. One of the big ways is music. I think it was Maggie Rogers that said, “Once I release music into the world, it isn’t mine anymore. It belongs to them now.” It is wild to me that an artist can write a song and hit such a powerful chord of exactly what I’m feeling or going through.
Sometimes you have to sit in sad feeling that, and for that I made a playlist for all the songs that have made me cry. I like crying, and tend to do it a lot. Last Sunday, I think I cried a total of three separate times! And the weird thing is, none were because I was necessarily sad. I know one was at a wedding video, another while chopping onions, and then randomly playing Kacey Musgrave’s song “Rainbow”.
Here’s a playlist when you need a good cry on Spotify:
And then you’re done and ready to wipe away all the tears, these are the songs I listen to that give me strength:
Fun side note: Jessica Andrew’s who sings “Who I Am” is from my Dad and Mom’s hometown in Huntingdon, TN. He saw her perform in the high school gym, and said you could feel something was different about her.
Thankfully, the loneliness feeling is only temporary and quarantine is only temporary too. Until then I’ll go on my daily walks and count the butterflies. Today’s count is 4. :) Seeing Purple House helps for me too. What helps you guys get through it? Thanks for reading and stay safe.