Things I Found in My Parent’s Closet
Edition One From Pop’s Closet
Photos taken by self timer at my old house in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Feeling stuck with your current wardrobe? Oh, I feel you. I truly think everyone has had this feeling of looking at their entire closet and feeling uninspired at one point or another.
I’m on a journey to become more sustainable than I was yesterday. Sometimes it doesn’t make much sense for the environment, or my wallet to run out to the thrift store. So instead, I took a trip into my parent’s closet. Definitely was not the first time, and for sure will not be the last.
Camouflage Army Pants
This is the first edition of things I found in my parents’s closet. My dad was in the National Guard for many many years, therefore acquiring a ton of army pants. The pants I’m wearing are from his younger years of his life when he joined the Army at the ripe age of 17. So who knows if these were one of the first pairs or some of the last, they fit pretty freakin’ well, surprisingly. That in of itself, is a miracle.
They’ve got character. They’re extremely comfy from being genuinely worn in and worked in. They were cut on the ends a little (may have done that a couple years ago. I honestly can’t remember). That can be easily fixed by cuffing the bottoms (which is probably what I would’ve done anyway because I’m a shortie). And the top button is missing, but hey! That’s what belts are for. I did plan on sewing a button back at one point, but haven’t due to two reasons. One being who doesn’t already love having their top button undone like the moment you enter the comfort of your own home, but this way, it’s like that all day long. And second being, I genuinely think it adds something to the look having a braided belt hiding the lack of button as a subtle accessory to the outfit. And it all didn’t cost me a penny and it feels good to know I’m carrying a piece of my dad’s history wherever I go.
Stetson Hat
The other article in the mix in the official first edition of “Things I Find in my Parent’s Closet” is my dad’s old Stetson hat. My family comes from some deep farm roots y’all, and my Dad was a full out bull rider in college. Yep, you heard that right. (I’ll try to find a photo to include in the mix). It gives me anxiety even thinking about running near a bull let alone riding one. My dad has no fear, and I love that quality about him. And what is a good ole cowboy without his hat. lol
As you age, things change. For my Dad, his head got a good bit larger (literally not figuratively). Having a fairly small head myself, I was gifted a new hat. I always thought the hat was cool, but a definite Statement. With a capital S. When I’m feeling especially bold or feisty, I wear it out. And when I do, I feel like I could do about anything I set my mind to, besides having my hat physically get stuck when I try to get into the car.
My dad, Philip, during a bull riding competition on his college bull riding team in Martin, Tennessee.
So next time you’re home for the holidays or have a little itch (ask permission I suppose) peruse their wardrobe and even ask questions! Knowing the background of where something is from and the history behind it makes you even more proud to rock it and gives an extra connection to your family. I’d love to hear about any articles of clothing you love that have been in your family for a while!
My chore coat is from L.C. King made in Bristol, Tennessee and my jumpsuit is from Nooworks made in California (one of the most comfortable articles of clothing I own!) If you go to the L.C. King store/factory in Bristol, they have discounted clothing that is slightly imperfect. That’s where I got my coat for probably 60% the original price!