Covid Miracles
Two Ladies Whose Attitudes Beat All Odds
With a recent move to Los Angeles and a job that I thought would last longer than it did, I’ve found myself looking for inspiration and community in my loneliness and anxiety through Covid-19. I sit in the sadness sometimes, but also try and shift my mindset into how different things could be. I could be sick or in the hospital or on the street. But the thing is, many people are. These two ladies have inspired me like crazy throughout these past few weeks and months and proven to me to still believe in miracles. Especially Amanda Kloots.
Amanda Kloots
Superwoman and Warrior
She has shown the world that it's all about your mindset. Her husband Nick Cordero has been in the hospital for over two months. She and Nick have the sweetest eleven month old baby boy named Elvis and just recently bought a home in Laurel Canyon in Los Angeles. Nick is a Broadway star and musician, and Amanda a former Rockette, performer, and personal trainer. They met on the Broadway production of Bullets Over Broadway.
Throughout the past month, I have closely followed Amanda’s journey on Instagram. Her husband Nick was in a medically induced coma after contracting Covid, having two strokes, and getting his leg amputated, and it was time for him to wake up! #WAKEUPNICK
Image from Amanda Kloot’s Instagram
Amanda started to play Nick’s song “Live Your Life” and now sings and dances with an army of people on her Instagram stories everyday at 3pm PST to wake up Nick! And on Mother’s Day after waiting and waiting to make sure he was still in there, he started to show slow signs of tracking! And now is responding everyday. Seriously a miracle!She gives daily progress on how he was going on her Instagram stories. Now that he’s woken up, his movements are tracking, but he’s still very weak. The next goal is to get him off the ventilator! #offthevent
This man has been through the ringer, and so has Amanda. She has exuded a constant persistence to find the positive and speaks freely about never taking your body for granted! (I’m a BIG fan of her workout videos now!) She’s mentioned a lot that this disease is as much a physical hurdle as well as a mental one. The outlook on a situation and how we talk to ourselves matters. I’m thankful to have found this warrior to get behind, and who has encouraged me to get out and move my body even more than ever!
Here is more evidence of Amanda’s sister, Anna Kloots talking about the superwoman her sister is. Warning… you might shed a tear or two.
Kristin Johns
Resilient Content Creator
Last week something horrible happened. Two YouTubers I have followed for a while, Kristin and Marcus Johns were in a traumatic bicycle accident. They were in the Hollywood Hills and a person driving a getaway car hit them head on. The beautiful miracle is they have lived to tell about it.
Someone going way way too fast hit the couple head on and it turns out, the driver intentionally hit them! He was trying to escape from a burglary and slammed into them to take attention off of himself in the police chase. (This information is still under investigation.)
Kristen with a broken femur and Marcus a broken leg, after being ejected off the bikes and flying through the air, these two on all accounts should have died. But by a miracle, they were saved. Kristen was quick to point out in an emotional reveal of the accident that was Jesus who saved them.
The time we’re in feels so crazy and insane, but trust that we will get through this. I’ll try and do the same. I look for these two as inspiration to always find the good in a situation and count your blessings as well as many others. If you have heard of any miracles in Covid, I’d love to hear them.
Peace and blessings y’all.